Second Virial Coefficients and Viscosity Property of Monatomic Alkali-Metal Gases

M. Bouledroua

Laboratoire de Physique des Rayonnements, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria

In this work, we calculated the second virial coefficients B2 of monatomic lithium, sodium
and potassium gases by using the most recent 1Σ+g and 3Σ+u Rydberg-Klein-Rees interatomic potentials. We have also determined the viscosity η and thermal conductivity λ coefficients of the alkali-metal vapors as a function of the temperature T. The results we found of the collision integrals and of the coefficients η and λ agree quite well with some available experimental data.
We have also investigated the variation law with temperature T of the above thermophysical
quantities. For temperatures ranging from 100 to 3000K, the results can be reproduced
by simple formulas
η(T) = ATα
λ(T) = BTα
where for T in Kelvin, η in micropoise (1 P = 0.1 Pa·s), and λ in 10-3 W·m-1·K-1 :
• lithium Li: A = 0.314 , B = 0.1398 and α = 0.863;
• sodium Na: A = 0.624, B = 0.0846 and α = 0.827;
• potassium K: A = 0.400, B = 0.0320 and α = 0.883.
