
U.I. Safronova, M.S. Safronova and T. Kato


Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients for Excitation of delta n = 1 Transitions in Li-like Ions with 6 < Z < 42

Date of publication:

Sep. 1995

Key words:

Li-like ions, inner shell excitation, cross section, rate coefficients, 6 < Z < 42


Excitation cross sections and rate coefficients by electron impact were calculated for the I s^2 2s - I s2s2p, I s^2 2s - Is2s^2 and Is^2 2s - I s2p^2 transitions of the Li-like ions (CIV, NV, OVI, NeVIII, MgX, A1XI, SiXII, SXIV, ArXVI, CaXVIII, TiXX, FeXXIV, NiXXVI, ZnXXVIII, GeXXX, SeXXXII, KrXXXIIV and MoXXXX) in the Coulomb-Bom approximation with exchange including relativistic effects and configuration interaction. Level energies, mixing coefficients and transition wavelengths and probabilities were also computed. Calculations performed by the 1/Z perturbation theory and Coulomb-Born approximation are compared with the R- matrix method and the distorted-wave approximation were Z is the nuclear charge. Formulae obtained for the angular factors of n-electron atomic system allow one to generalize this method to an arbitrary system of highly charged ions.

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