
Y. Yamamura, W. Takeuchi and T. Kawamura


The Screening Length of Interatomic Potential in Atomic Collisions

Date of publication:

Mar. 1998

Key words:

interatomic potential, screening length, shell correction, Thomas-Fermi electron distribution, Hartree-Fock electron distribution


In computer studies on the interaction of charged particle with solids, many authors treat the nuclear collision by the Thomas-Fermi screened Coulomb potential. For better agreement with experiment, the screening length is modified sometimes. We investigate the theoretical background for the correction factor of the screening length in the interatomic potential which can bededuced from two steps. The first step is to select the correction factor of an isolated atom so as to match the average radius of the Thomas-Fermi electron distribution with that of the Hartree-Fock electron distribution, where we use the Clementi and Roetti's table. The second step is to determine the correction factor of the screening length of the interatomic potential by using a combination rule. The correction factors obtained for the screening length are in good agreement with those determined by the computer analysis of the Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (ICISS) data.

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