V.P. Shevelko, D. Kato, M-.Y. Song, H. Tawara, I.Yu. Tolstikhina and J-.S. Yoon
One-electron Capture and Target Ionization in He+-neutral-atom Collisions.
Date of publication:
Dec. 11, 2009
Key words:
one-electron capture, target ionization, metastable helium atoms, recommended cross sections
One-electron capture and target-ionization cross sections in collisions of He+ ions with neutral atoms:
He+ + A вк He+ + A+ and He+ + A вк He+ + A+ + e, A = H, He(1s2, 1s2s), Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, are calculated and compared with available experimental data over the broad energy range E = 0.1 keV/u-10 MeV/u of He+ ions. The role of the metastable states of neutral helium atoms in such collisions, which are of importance in plasma physics applications, is briefly discussed. The recommended cross section data for these processes are presented in a closed analytical form (nine-order polynomials) which can be used for a plasma modeling and diagnostics.