
T. Ono, M. Ono, K. Shibata, T. Kenmotsu, Z. Li, T. Kawamura


Calculation of Sputtering Yield with Obliquely Incident Light-Ions (H+, D+,, T+,, He+,) and its Representation by an Extended Semi-empirical Formula

Date of publication:

Apr. 13, 2012

Key words:

Sputtering; Erosion; Plasma-material interactions; First wall materials; Fitting formula; Monte-Carlo method; binary collision approximation; computer simulation


With a Monte Carlo code ACAT, we have calculated sputtering yield of fifteen fusion-relevant mono-atomic materials (Be, B, C, Al, Si, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zr, Mo, W, Re) with obliquely incident light-ions H+, D+, T+,, He+) at incident energies of 50 eV to 10 keV. An improved formula for dependence of normalized sputtering yield on incident-angle has been fitted to the ACAT data normalized by the normal-incidence data to derive the best-fit values of the three physical variables included in the formula vs. incident energy. We then have found suitable functions of incident energy that fit these values most closely. The average relative difference between the normalized ACAT data and the formula with these functions has been shown to be less than 10 % in most cases and less than 20 % for the rest at the incident energies taken up for all of the combinations of the projectiles and the target materials considered. We have also compared the calculated data and the formula with available normalized experimental ones for given incident energies. The best-fit values of the parameters included in the functions have been tabulated in tables for all of the combinations for use.
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