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22nd International Toki Conference

"Cross-Validation of Experiment and Modeling for Fusion and Astrophysical Plasmas",
Ceratopia Toki, Toki-city, Gifu, JAPAN, November 19-22, 2012

1. Introduction

The International Toki Conference (ITC) is an international conference for the presentation and discussion of research activities related to nuclear fusion and plasma sciences. It has been held annually by the National Institute for Fusion Science in Toki City since 1989.

2. Objectives

The purpose of this year’s conference is to discuss the validation of theoretical models and simulations by experiments and the interpretation and prediction of experimental data by models. It covers mutual-interaction of theory/simulation and experiment/observation in fusion and astrophysical plasmas. Development of new diagnostics, atomic processes and scientific visualization are also covered.

3. Topics

Topical areas of interest include:
(1) Validation of modeling in fusion research
(2) Numerical simulation and observation in astrophysical plasmas
(3) Transport (modeling, experiment and observation)
(4) Reconnection (theory, simulation, experiment and observation)
(5) Interaction between energetic particles and waves in plasmas
(6) Plasma-wall interaction (modeling, experiment and observation)
(7) Plasma diagnostics for cross-validation
(8) Atomic processes in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas
(9) Scientific visualization

Category (1) includes fusion engineering and reactor studies (modeling, experiment and observation).

4. Meeting format

The meeting will consist of invited and contributed oral presentations, poster sessions, and a summary session. The official language of the meeting is English. Tentative time table of program is as follows:

4.1. Instructions for Oral Presenters

A laptop computer connected to a projector will be prepared for speakers. The operating system used for oral presentations is Windows 7. Microsoft Power Point and Adobe Acrobat Reader are installed in the computer. Speakers are cordially asked to transfer their presentation files to the computer by USB flash memory sticks before their session will start. In the presentation, please leave time for discussion, which is 8 min for Invited talks and 6 min for Contributed Oral talks.

4.2. Instructions for Poster Presenters

The poster sessions will utilize standard poster boards. The poster size is limited to 180 cm in width and 120 cm in height. The title and authors should be printed in large characters (greater than 3 cm high) at the top of the poster. Posters should be removed immediately following the conclusion of the session.

5. Publication

5.1. Booklet of Abstracts

A printed booklet of abstracts of invited and contributed presentations will be distributed to participants at the meeting desk. Abstracts will be also available on the meeting website.

5.2. Journal Publication

The papers presented in the conference are strongly encouraged to be submitted to Plasma and Fusion Research (http://www.jspf.or.jp/PFR/) which is an electronic journal published by the Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research. The papers will go through a complete peer-review process. Only the papers reporting original and previously unpublished work will be accepted and published as regular articles in the academic journal, PFR. Papers from invited talks of a review nature may be submitted as “Overview articles” in PFR. A submission fee (Article charge: 3,000 JPY + Page charge: 5,000 JPY/page) is required for publication. The submission fee and reprint fee are NOT included in the registration fee.

Suggested paper lengths are 8 pages for Invited talks and 4 pages for Contributed papers respectively in the PFR format, however, there is no actual limit if the author would like to write more exceeding the recommendation. Template and example files can be downloaded from the ITC22 home page (URL: http://itc.nifs.ac.jp/).

5.3. Paper Submission

To submit your manuscript, visit the submission page of PFR for ITC-22 papers, complete the online author submission form and upload your manuscript. If you have multimedia files to be accompanied, please contact with the programme committee.
When you use the system for the first time, please create your new account. If you have your own acccount on PFR and forget your password, go to “Forgotten password” to reset your password. The manuscript must start with Cover Page (Word / PDF), included in Template, in order to assign your submission to the ITC-22 Proceedings. Please select "Regular Article" for the type of paper, unless you are suggested for another type of paper by the Editor.

   Template and example files
     TeX / MS-Word / PDF

6. Registration

6.1. Registration

The principal author must be a conference registrant. All registrations (other than abstract submission) will be made through the conference web site (http://itc.nifs.ac.jp/). All attendees are requested to register by October 15, 2012 (Registration page is closed).

6.2. Registration fee

The registration fee is 20,000 JPY (15,000 JPY for students). The registration fee includes:
(1) Access to all sessions of the scientific program
(2) An abstract booklet
(3) Coffee break refreshments
(4) Conference banquet
The registration fee is payable at the conference site (only by cash in Japanese yen).
*Note: Payment of the banquet fee is mandatory regardless of attendance, however a separate receipt for the registration fee excluding the banquet fee can be obtained on request.

7. Abstract submission

Individuals who intend to contribute a paper should select the topical category and submit an A4 one-page abstract at the conference web site (http://itc.nifs.ac.jp/) by August 3, 2012. Detailed instructions are available on the web page.

8. Technical Tour

The ITC22 LOC has organized a technical tour for participants. The tour will depart from the Ceratopia Toki on Tuesday afternoon just after oral session#4 (15:20) and will take 4 hours.
The tour by coach will begin with a visit to the Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu. Next, the tour will visit NIFS. The world’s largest superconducting device, the Large Helical Device (LHD) and other facilities will be introduced. After leaving NIFS, participants will be brought to hotels in Toki and Tajimi.

- Time schedule -
Date     November 20, 2012
Time     Destination
15:30    Cerapotia Toki
15:50    Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu
17:30    NIFS
19:20    Hotels in Toki and Tajimi

9. Conference Banquet

A conference banquet will be held from 18:30, Nov. 21 (Wed) at 1st Floor of Ceratopia Toki. Participants are invited to the banquet without additional payment. Accompanying persons are welcome to join the banquet upon additional payment (5,000 JPY).

10. Accommodation and Access

10.1. Accommodation

The Information and rates for various hotels in Toki and Tajimi cities are listed in the ITC22 homepage (URL: http://itc.nifs.ac.jp/). Specific information such as directions can be obtained at the link for each hotel. Participants must make their reservations with the hotels directly by Internet, telephone or FAX.

10.2. Access and Transportation

The conference site 'Ceratopia Toki' is located about 0.4 km from Toki-shi station on the Japan Railway (JR) Chuo-line. From Tajimi, use the JR Chuo-line to Toki-shi station. Oustat International hotel will provide shuttle bus service to Ceratopia Toki for their guests. NIFS will provide shuttle bus service between NIFS and Ceratopia Toki.

11. Visa

For participants who need a visa to enter Japan, required official documents will be provided through the local organizing committee () upon request (deadline: September 7, 2012).

12. Key Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: August 3, 2012
Notification of abstract acceptance: August 31, 2012
Deadline for request of official documents required for visa: September 7, 2012
Deadline for registration: October 15, 2012
Deadline for paper submission: December 7, 2012 (new)
Conference:  November 19 - 22, 2012

13. International Advisory Committee

A. Komori (Japan, Chair), A. Ando (Japan), H. Azechi (Japan), A. J. H. Donné (Holland), T. Hino (Japan), R. Horiuchi (Japan), T. Imai (Japan), S. Ishiguro (Japan), O. Kaneko (Japan), K. Kawahata (Japan), T. Klinger (Germany), G. S. Lee (Korea), A. Mase (Japan), O. Mitarai (Japan), T. Mito (Japan), T. Muroga (Japan), T. Mutoh (Japan), M. Mori (Japan), K. Nishimura (Japan), Y. Ogawa (Japan), Y. Ohsawa (Japan), A. Sagara (Japan), F. Sano (Japan), M. Sasao (Japan), Y. Takeiri (Japan), W. Tang (U.S.A), M. Tendler (Sweden), H. Yamada (Japan), M. Zarnstorff (U.S.A.), H. Zushi (Japan)

14. Programme Committee

M. Sasao (Chair), A. Mase (Vice-chair), A. Fukuyama, K. Ida, S. Ishiguro, N. Iwama, R. Kanno, Y. Kishimoto, S. Ohdachi, Y. Ono, B.J. Peterson, H. Shiraga, S. Tsuneta

15. Local Organizing Committee

K. Kawahata (Chair), S. Sudo (Co-chair), Y. Nagayama (Scientific Secretary), T. Akiyama, M. Emoto, H. Funaba, M. Goto, N. Hayashi, K. Ida, T. Ido, M. Isobe, A. Ito, S. Iwatsuka, H. Kasahara, K. Mukai, S. Muto, H. Nakanishi, M. Nunami, S. Ohdachi, K. Okada, T. Ozaki, B. J. Peterson, H. Sekiguchi, H. Sakaue, A. Shimizu, C. Suzuki, S. Takayama, T. Taki, N. Tamura, K. Tanaka, I. Yamada, M. Yamanaka, R. Yasuhara, M. Yoshimura, M. Yoshinuma

16. General Contact Address

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