
National Institute for Fusion Science


Special Joint-Use ProgramAcademics

Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellow program

The National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), as an Inter-University Research Institution, conducts research activities and accepts students as part of its graduate school education through the Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellow program. This program provides research guidance to graduate students on a specific research topic for a certain period of time, commissioned by the graduate school to which the graduate student belongs. This program assumes that the accreditation of credits, the examination of the thesis, and the conferral of degrees will be conducted by the graduate school to which the graduate student belongs.

Graduate students who wish to receive research guidance in fusion science or related broad interdisciplinary fields are eligible to become Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellows upon recommendation by the dean of the graduate school to which they belong and with permission of NIFS's Director General.

A Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellow will conduct his/her research in a research Unit of NIFS, receiving research guidance from a tutor, using the facilities and equipment of NIFS.

We hope that graduate students from Japan and abroad will become familiar with NIFS as an Inter-University Research Institution and make full use of its research and educational functions through this program.

Please refer to the following guidelines before applying, and contact the tutor with whom you wish to supervise your research at NIFS.

Guidelines for accepting Inter-Institutional Research Fellows in FY2025

  1. Maximum number of students
    In principle, no more than 30 students will be accepted.
  2. Units, etc. for Fusion Science Research Fellows
    The following units will accept students.
    For research themes, keywords, etc. of each unit, please refer to the “Unit” section of the NIFS's website.

    Department of Research

    • Meta-hierarchy Dynamics
    • Structure Formation and Sustainability
    • Phase Space Turbulence
    • Plasma Quantum Processes
    • Transports in Plasma Multi-phase Matter System
    • S&I: Sensing and Intellectualizing Technology
    • Plasma Apparatus
    • Complex Global Simulation
    • Ultrahigh-flux Concerting Materials
    • Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics
  3. Eligibility
    Those who are enrolled in graduate schools (including those expected to enrol in April 2025) and major in fusion science or a related field of study.
  4. Acceptance period
    In principle, the period of acceptance will be from April 2025 to March 2026, within one year. However, if deemed necessary, an extension may be granted upon completion of the prescribed procedures.
    The period of acceptance for the Master's Program (Master's Course) may not exceed one year.
  5. Documents to be submitted
    The following documents must be submitted after a thorough discussion with the applicant's desired faculty advisor at NIFS in advance.
    new (1) Application Form for Acceptance for Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellows Form 1 Form 1
    (2) Letter of Recommendation Form 2 Form 2
    (3) Profile, research history and list of research papers (A4 sized paper, horizontal writing)
    (4) Notification of carrying Insurance (Form 4) If you do not take out disaster and accident insurance for student education and research, please attach an indication of insurance contents which is under the procedure. Form 4 Form 4
    extension (1)Application Form for Extension of Acceptance Term for Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellows Form 3 Form 3
    (2) Notification of carrying Insurance (Form 4) If you do not take out disaster and accident insurance for student education and research, please attach an indication of insurance contents which is under the procedure. Form 4 Form 4
  6. Period for submission of the application documents
    For April:Monday, February 10, 2025 to Friday, February 21, 2025
    For October:Monday, August 4, 2025 to Friday, August 15, 2025
  7. Screening and Notification
    NIFS will screen the application documents and the applicant and the dean of the graduate school to which he/she belongs will be notified of the result.
  8. Examination fee, admission fee, and tuition fee
    No examination fee, admission fee, or tuition fee will be charged.
  9. Completion of Research Guidance
    At the end of the research guidance, a research report is to be submitted to the Director General of NIFS. A certificate of completion will be issued to those who have received the prescribed research guidance.
  10. Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research("Gakkensai")
    Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research("Gakkensai") will apply in the event of a disaster, etc. at NIFS, so students are required to purchase the prescribed "Gakkensai" or equivalent insurance must be purchased in advance at the school at which the applicant is enrolled.
  11. Inventions, etc.
    In the event that an invention is made as a result of research conducted at NIFS, the ownership of the rights to the invention, etc. shall be handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures set forth by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences(NINS).
  12. Others
    In addition, NIFS may also require Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellows to attend radiation safety training, Research Ethics Training (APRIN, Association for the Promotion of Research Integrity), compliance training on the prevention of misuse of competitive funds, and information security training, etc., as necessary.
    We recommend that you should take these courses at your graduate school in advance.
  13. Application Documents and Inquiries should be submitted to:
    The National Institute for Fusion Science
    Department of Administration
    Research Support Division
    Graduate Student Affairs Section
    322-6 Oroshi-cho, Toki-shi, Gifu-ken
    509-5292, Japan
    TEL +81-572-58-2042

※We recommend that you write “Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellow Application Forms Enclosed” in red on the front of the envelope and send it by a method that can be traced, such as recorded mail. Before mailing, please make sure to confirm the following. If there is a discrepancy in the form or the insurance period cannot be confirmed, the document may not be accepted.

  • For Form 4, please confirm that the insurance period covers the entire period for which you wish to apply.
  • If you have not yet obtained insurance, attach the contents of the insurance which you are in the process of purchasing.
  • Please keep to deadline.