
National Institute for Fusion Science

About NIFS

Institute Overview

The goal of the National Institute for Fusion Science

Fusion is the fundamental mechanism of nucleosynthesis and energy generation in the universe and is the energy source that supports the activity of stars. The sun’s fusion energy also sustains our Earth's environment. The National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) addresses a wide range of research topics, including plasma physics, microscopic quantum processes, materials science, and engineering technology for the components of devices necessary to realize fusion energy in a form we can use.

As an Inter-University Research Institute, NIFS makes its various research facilities, including the Large Helical Device (LHD), supercomputers, and other large research facilities, available for joint use and promotes the development of fusion science and the formation of a broad base of science and technology through collaborative research with universities and research institutes in Japan and abroad.

What is nuclear fusion?

In fusion, two nuclei with small masses collide to form another heavier nucleus, generating enormous energy. Because the total mass after the reaction is slightly smaller than before the fusion reaction, and the difference in mass is converted into energy (E = mc2). The fusion reaction is the universal source of energy in the universe. Inside stars such as the sun, a fusion reaction that produces helium from four hydrogen atoms has generated energy for over 5 billion years.

A little more about nuclear fusion

Units and Platforms

The Unit is a research organization of NIFS that operates with the research community. The Unit realizes collaborative research in cooperation with other fields by generalizing each problem into ten themes that address the challenges of fusion science. The Unit structure has established a system for conducting cutting-edge academic research that supports the development of fusion science as interdisciplinary collaborative research with the active participation of researchers and students from various fields.

The platform is a group of research equipment that serves as the foundation for collaborative research. As an Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, NIFS provides large research facilities and various research equipment groups for joint use to promote collaborative research with universities and research institutes in Japan and abroad.

Interdisciplinary cooperation, development cooperation, industry-academia-government collaboration

NIFS promotes interdisciplinary cooperation in fusion science, cooperation with fusion energy development research, and social implementation of fusion technology through industry-academia-government cooperation. As a comprehensive center that leads and supports collaborative research with universities, development research institutes, and industry, NIFS has established the Fusion Science Interdisciplinary Coordination Center, which links three new interdisciplinary fields and a group of Units to develop challenging and interdisciplinary collaborative research beyond the boundaries of existing fields.

Fusion Science Interdisciplinary Coordination Center

Collaborative Research System

NIFS has established four types of collaborative research projects to meet a wide range of needs from universities and other organizations: "General Collaboration Research" using the NIFS facilities, "Bilateral Collaboration Research" using facilities outside NIFS, "Fusion Development Collaboration Research", and "Fusion DEMO Reactor Collaboration Research", NIFS is vigorously promoting joint use and collaborative research activities by soliciting research proposals every year. In addition, NIFS plays a role as the Japanese representative organization for international research collaboration on fusion and actively promotes collaborative research and research exchange through international collaboration. In addition, NIFS promotes industry-academia-government cooperation activities, such as co-development, by providing information on its accumulated research results and capabilities to companies and other organizations.

Educational Activities

NIFS plays an important role in promoting the development of young human resources who will lead fusion science in the future. In graduate education, through the Fusion Science Program at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, the Institute fosters researchers who can demonstrate international leadership and human resources who can contribute to society with their advanced expertise. We also focus on graduate education in collaboration with the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences of the University of Tokyo, the Graduate Schools of Engineering and Science of Nagoya University, and the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences of Kyushu University. In addition, we actively accept students from various fields at universities in Japan and abroad through special joint-use researchers, internships, and other programs.

Social Cooperation

NIFS conducts public relations and outreach activities to inform the public and society at large about fusion research and the research activities and achievements of the Institute. To promote public understanding of our research activities and interest in cutting-edge science, we hold open-house events (open campus) at our research facilities every year. We also focus on activities that lead to the development of future researchers, such as the Super Science High School (SSH) program and internship programs for students.

For General