Research Report2013
The Seventeenth Cycle of Experiments Has Ended: The Performance of Plasma Has Improved Further
The seventeenth cycle of experiments using the Large Helical Device (LHD) concluded on December 25, 2013. ...
Catching “Dust”: A Real-Time Dust Detector
High-temperature plasma, on which research seeking fusion energy in the future advances, does not make direct contact with the vacuum vessel wall because it is maintained while confined in a magnetic field container inside the vacuum vessel. ...
Stronger, Lighter, Smarter: The Construction Design for the Fusion Reactor
At the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), we are advancing conceptual designs for the Helical-type Fusion Reactor, which will aim at generating fusion energy in the future. ...
Evaluating in Detail Heating Efficiency through High-Energy Ions: Preparing an Experiment Analysis Code
In order to realize fusion energy it is necessary to effectively confine high-temperature high-density plasma. ...
Viewing Plasma through an Infrared Pinhole Camera: Developing a Method for Measuring Radiation Three-dimensionally
In order to achieve fusion energy it is necessary to confine high-temperature plasma that exceeds 120,000,000 degrees in its core. ...
Observing an Open Seam in the Magnetic Field Container: An Experiment in the Transport of Heat
In the Large Helical Device (LHD) we confine high-temperature high-density plasma in the magnetic field “container” produced by the superconducting coils. ...
The Design for the Fusion Reactor’s Superconducting Coils Power Supply: If Made to Flow Slowly, The Power Supply Decreases
At the National Institute for Fusion Science we are aiming to achieve fusion energy. In addition to conducting research experiments in high-temperature plasma using the Large Helical Device (LHD), we also are moving forward with conceptual designs for a future helical fusion reactor. ...
The Seventeenth Cycle of Plasma Experiments Has Begun
The seventeenth cycle of plasma experiments using the Large Helical Device (LHD) began today. ...
High Performance Diagnostics in the Hybrid Era: The Doppler Reflectometry
In order to realize fusion energy in the future it is necessary to confine high-temperature high-density plasma for a long period of time. For that reason, first, it is important to know the characteristics of plasma. ...
Viewing Atoms in a Plasma’s Core: Extreme Spectroscopy
In order to realize fusion energy in the future it is necessary to raise the performance of plasma confinement, generate high-temperature as well as high-density plasma at temperatures exceeding 120,000,000 degrees, and examine in detail the characteristics of plasma. ...
Seeking Long Sustainment of High-performance Plasma: Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating
Having completed maintenance on the Large Helical Device (LHD), we began the vacuum pumping of the vacuum vessel on August 12, 2013, and this year’s operation of the LHD has now started. ...
A Torn Seam Magnetic Field Container that Exceeds Perfection: The Perturbed Magnetic Field Effect
In the Large Helical Device (LHD) the “container” braided by the magnetic field lines confines extremely high-temperature plasma exceeding several tens of millions degrees. ...
Research in the Design of a Future-Oriented Fusion Reactor: The Simultaneous Production of Energy and Hydrogen Fuel
At the National Institute for Fusion Science domestic and foreign researchers together are advancing the design of the helical-shaped Force Free Helical Reactor (FFHR). ...
Measuring the Electric Field in Plasma: Heavy Ion Beam Probing
Plasma is in a condition in which positive-charged atoms (ions) and negative-charged electrons are moving about independently of the other. ...
Investigating the Light from Highly-charged Ions: Basic Research in Highly-charged Ions Using CoBIT
In the future, in order to realize fusion energy it will be necessary to convert hydrogen, which is a fuel gas, into a plasma state in which ions and electrons are moving independently and to raise the plasma temperature to more than 120,000,000 degrees. ...
Joining Remote Experiments that Use a Network: Joint Experiments in the IT Age
The National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), as an inter-university research institute, is conducting joint research together with Japanese and foreign universities and research centers using experiment devices such as the Large Helical Device (LHD) and other research equipment. ...
Further Increases in Ion Temperature and Electron Temperature: Expanding the Area of High-temperature Plasma
In order to realize the future’s fusion energy through basic research it is necessary to achieve plasma at temperatures exceeding 120,000,000 degrees and to investigate through academic study the qualities of that high-temperature plasma. ...
The Mysteries of LHD Plasma Seen through a High-Speed Camera: Measuring Plasma through Images
In the Large Helical Device (LHD) we are observing and measuring the conditions of plasma through high-speed cameras. ...
Accelerating the Negative Ion Beam: Aiming toward Heightened Performance of the Beam Injection Heating Device
One method for heating plasma in the Large Helical Device (LHD) is by injecting a high-energy neutral beam. Last year, using this heating method, we achieved an ion temperature of 85,000,000 degrees. ...
Searching for Intermittent Phenomena in Plasma: Fundamental Plasma Research Using the HYPER-I
At the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), in seeking the realization of the fusion energy of the future we are moving forward with research on high-temperature plasma using the Large Helical Device (LHD). ...