Rokkasho Research Center (RRC)About NIFS
The Rokkasho Research Center (RRC, established in May 2007) promotes cooperation and joint research with the Broader Approach (BA) activities that are being undertaken in parallel with the ITER project and builds the technical foundation for the development of a prototype fusion reactor, by supporting the participation of collaborators of NIFS and universities based on academic standpoints. Furthermore, in order to promote the interdisciplinary expansion of issues being tackled in fusion research, we are focusing on disseminating research issues to ranging academic field, inviting interdisciplinary meetings, and promoting interdisciplinary joint efforts. As an example, 4th mid-term strategic project of the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), "Statistical-mathematical modeling for plasma data, complementary to plasma physics," has been established and we are deepening/widening collaborations with communities such as statistical-mathematics and data science. In addition, we are actively working on to contribute to human resource development based on the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), through establishing and deepening cooperation with neighboring educational institutions. (RRC’s clear file folder created in FY2022, in Japanese)
- October 12, 2022
- RRC’s clear file folder created in FY2022, in Japanese