Division for Information and Communication SystemsAbout NIFS

Open science and Network security

NIFS handles a great deal of information, including experimental data. As a Center of Excellence in fusion science, NIFS is in a position to exchange information both domestically and internationally and is required to open and protect such information. The Division of Information and Communication Systems (ICS) works on open science and network security by centralizing the development and operation of the information and communication systems.

Open science is an initiative that aims "to create new knowledge that transcends fields", "to ensure transparency in research", and "to return the results of the studies to society" by widely open research data and results. And it is becoming a major international trend. NIFS also provides open access to research data and results to researchers worldwide and everyone.

Internet communication systems for handling various information are increasingly important to support open science. We are working on network security to ensure the safe and appropriate handling of information.