Edited by Jun Hasegawa and Tetsuo Ozaki
Conceptual Design of a Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion Reactor Based on Circular Induction Accelerators
May 29, 2024
National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Institute of Fusion Science, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University
Hefei Keye Electro Physical Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
VER. 5.1 2023. AUG.
Jan. 26, 2024
Edited by Koichi Takaki and Tetsuo Ozaki
Recent trends in technologies of pulse power, high-density plasma and particle beams
July 1. 2023
Edited by Weihua Jiang
Frontiers of Pulse Power Technology Development
Feb. 5, 2023
Edited by Jun Hasegawa and Tetsuo Ozaki
Resent Developments of Pulsed Power Technology and Plasma Application Research
Feb. 5, 2023
National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Institute of Fusion Science, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University
Hefei Keye Electro Physical Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
VER. 4.1 2022. JAN.
Feb. 10, 2022
Edited by Hiroaki Ito and Tetsuo Ozaki
Frontier of Advanced Pulsed Power Technology and its Application to Plasma and Particle Beam
Nov. 08, 2021
筒井 泉(高エネルギー加速器研究機構)
久保 伸(自然科学研究機構核融合科学研究所)
Edited by Izumi Tsutsui (KEK) and Shin Kubo (NIFS)
2019年度 自然科学系アーカイブズ研究会集録
Proceedings of the meetings on Archives in Fields of Natural Sciences in FY2019
Feb. 26, 2021
VER.3.1 2020. NOV.
National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Institute of Fusion Science, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University
Hefei Keye Electro Physical Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Jan. 25.2021
Edited by Tetsuo Ozaki and Sunao Katsuki
New Development of Beam Physics and the Application by New Generation Pulsed Power Technology
June 29, 2020
菊谷 英司(高エネルギー加速器研究機構)
久保 伸(核融合科学研究所)
Edited by E. Kikutani (KEK) and S. Kubo (NIFS)
2018年度 自然科学系アーカイブズ研究会集録
Proceedings of the meeting on Archives in Fields of Natural Sciences in FY2018
June 9, 2020
Satoshi Ohdachi, Editor of the Post-CUP Workshop proceeding
Collected papers at the 2019 Post-CUP Workshop & JSPS-CAS Bilateral Joint Research Projects Workshop
24th-26th July, 2019, Nagoya, Japan
Feb. 21, 2020
National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Institute of Fusion Science, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University
Hefei Keye Electro Physical Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd
VER. 2.1 2019. SEP.
Nov. 8, 2019
(Eds.) Daiji Kato, Ling Zhang, and Xiaobin Ding
The 7th Japan-China-Korea Joint Seminar
on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma (AMPP2018)
May 10, 2019
(Eds.) Koichi Takaki and Tetsuo Ozaki
Pulsed Power and High-Density Plasma and Applications
Feb. 6, 2019
(Eds.) E. Kikutani (KEK) and S. Kubo (NIFS)
2017年度 自然科学系アーカイブズ研究会集録
Proceedings of the meetings on Archives in Fields of Natural Sciences in FY2017
Oct. 16, 2018
(Eds.) Liqun HU, Shigeru MORITA and Yeong-Kook OH
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High- Performance Plasmas
12 - 15 December, 2017, Chongqing, China
June 11, 2018
(Eds.) Jun Hasegawa and Tetsuo Ozaki
Resent Developments of Pulsed Power Technology and_Plasma Application Research
Jane 12, 2018
(Eds.) Shigeru MORITA, Liqun HU and Yeong-Kook OH
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
11-14 July, 2017, Sapporo, Japan
Jan. 12, 2018
(Eds.)Yeong-Kook OH, Shigeru MORITA and Liqun HU
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
November 22-25, 2016, Jeju, Korea
Jan. 11, 2018
(Eds.) Hiroaki Ito and Tetsuo Ozaki
Recent Progress of Pulsed Power Technology and its Application to High Energy Density Plasma
Nov. 27, 2017
(Eds.) Keiichi Kamada and Tetsuo Ozaki
Evolution of Pulse Power and its Peripheral Technology
Nov. 01, 2017
(Ed.) Weihua Jiang
Frontiers of Applied Pulse Power Technology
Aug. 28. 2017
Atsuo Iiyoshi
Fusion for Sustainable World Development
March 27, 2017
(Eds.) Daiji Kato, Zhengying Cui and Chenzhong Dong
JSPS-NRF-NSFC A3 Foresight Program Seminar
Proceedings of Japan-China-Korea Joint Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma
Jul. 26 - 28, 2016, Chengdu, China
March 17, 2017
(Eds.) Liqun HU, Shigeru MORITA and Yeong-Kook OH
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
May 17-20, 2016, Yinchuan, China
Jan. 23. 2017
(Eds.) Shigeru MORITA, Liqun HU and Yeong-Kook OH
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
1-4 December, 2015, Gotemba, Japan
Sep. 09. 2016
(Eds.) Yeong-Kook OH, Shigeru MORITA and Liqun HU
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
19-22 May, 2015, Chuncheon, Korea
July 25. 2016
(Eds.) D. Kato, X. Ding, and C. Dang
JSPS-NRF-NSFC A3 Foresight Program Seminar Proceedings of Japan-China-Korea Joint Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma
Jul. 28 - Aug. 1, 2014, Lanzhou, China
Feb. 01, 2016
(Eds.) L. Hu, S. Morita, Y.-k. Oh
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State_ Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
6-9 January, 2015, Nanning, China
Dec. 25, 2015
(Eds.) S. Morita, L. Hu and Y.-K. Oh
Proceeding of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
23-26 June, 2014, Kagoshima, Japan
Oct. 30, 2014
(Eds.) K. Okuno and T. Muroga
Summary Report of Japan-US Joint Project (TITAN) (FY 2007-2012)
Jan. 30, 2014
(Eds.) L. Hu, S. Morita and Y.-K. Oh
Proceedings of the Third Meeting for A3 Foresight Program Workshop on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas
9-24 May,, 2013, Beijing, China
Dec. 05, 2013
(Eds.) Tetsuo Ozaki and Sunao Katsuki
Physics and Applications of Plasmas Produced by Pulsed Power Technology March 27-28, 2012, National Institute for Fusion Science
Oct. 25, 2013
(Ed.) K. Takasugi
Physics and Application of Plasmas Based on Pulsed Power Technology
Jan. 10 - 11, 2013
Aug. 26, 2013
(Eds.) S. Morita, L. Hu and Y.-K. Oh
Proceedings of A3 Foresight Program Seminar on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasma
22-25 January, 2013, Kushiro, Japan
June 24, 2013
(Eds.) F. Koike, C. Dong, and X. Ding
JSPS-NRF-NSFC A3 Foresight Program Seminar_Proceedings of Japan-China Joint Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma
Feb. 01, 2013
NIFS-PROC-89 NIFS-PROC-89.pdf(pdf file)(27800 KB)
K. TOI and K. WANG
JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on Summary of 10-year Collaborations in Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Research Area, 9-11 March 2011, Okinawa, Japan
July 20, 2011
NIFS-PROC-87 NIFS-PROC-87.pdf(pdf file) (28609KB)
(Ed.) K. Masugata
Frontiers of Particle Beam and High Energy Density Plasma Science using Pulse Power Technology, Nov. 20-21, 2009, NIFS
Apr. 28, 2011
NIFS-PROC-86 NIFS-PROC-86 (pdf file) (25194KB)
(Eds.) P. Fu, Y. Song, T. Mito and S. Yamada
Proceeding of JSPS-CAS Core-University Program (CUP) on Superconducting Key Technology for Advanced Fusion Device, October 18-21, 2010, Xi’an, P.R . China
Mar. 7, 2011
NIFS-PROC-85 NIFS-PROC-85 (pdf file) (13012KB)
(Eds.) H. Sakagami and Z. M. Sheng
JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar Proceedings of Japan-China Joint Seminar on Laser Plasma and High Energy Density Physics, October 14-16, 2010, Shanghai, China
Feb. 18, 2011
NIFS-PROC-84 NIFS-PROC-84 (pdf file) (26432KB)
(Eds.) X. Gao and S. Morita
Proceeding of JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on Production and Control of High Performance Plasmas with Advanced Plasma Heating and Diagnostic Systems, 1-4 November, 2010, Guilin, China
Feb. 1, 2011
NIFS-PROC-83 NIFS-PROC-83 (pdf file) (23692KB)
(Eds.) D. Li, Y. Kishimoto, Z. GAO and Y. Tomita
Proceeding of JSPS-CAS Core University Program (CUP) Seminar on Modeling of Theory and Simulation of Fusion Plasmas August 30 - September 2, 2010 Beijing, CHINA
Jan. 5, 2011
NIFS-PROC-81 NIFS-PROC-81 (pdf file) (12462KB)
Eds. F. Koike and C. Dong
JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar Proceedings of Japan-China Joint Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma Oct. 26 - 31, 2009, Xi'an, China
Jan. 12, 2010
NIFS-PROC-79 NIFS-PROC-79 (pdf file) (16940KB)
Eds. W. Jiang, K. Kamada and T. Ozaki
Pulsed Power Technology and Its Applications to Plasma Science
Mar. 6-7, 2008, NIFS
Mar. 2, 2009
NIFS-PROC-78 NIFS-PROC-78 (pdf file) (104601KB)
18th International Toki Conference (ITC18)
Development of Physics and Technology of Stellarators/Heliotrons "en route to DEMO"
Feb. 6, 2009
NIFS-PROC-77 NIFS-PROC-77 (pdf file) (22904KB)
Eds. X. Gao and S. Morita
Proceeding of JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on Production and Control of High Performance Plasmas with Advanced Plasma Heating and Diagnostic Systems, 4-7 November 2008, Lijiang, China
Jan. 22, 2009
NIFS-PROC-76 NIFS-PROC-76 (pdf file) (17408KB)
Eds. T. Hino and J. Chen
Proceedings of JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on PWI/PFC and Fusion Technologies, Oct. 27-29, 2008, Huangshan, Anhui
Jan. 22, 2009
NIFS-PROC-75 NIFS-PROC-75 (pdf file) (10932KB)
K. Ichiguchi (Ed.)
平成19 年度NIFS 共同研究、研究会「MHD 理論の進展とその周辺」集録
Proceedings of Workshop of NIFS Cooperative Programs 2007
‘Progress of MHD Theory and Related Topics’
Jan. 08, 2009
Nonlinear Physics of Plasmas: Spatiotemporal Structures in Strong Turbulence
- Lecture Notes -
May 2008
NIFS-PROC-73 NIFS-RPOC-73 (pdf file) (16190KB)
(Eds.) F. Koike and C. Dong
JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar Proceedings of Japan-China Joint Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma, Oct. 8 - 12, 2007,
Dunhuang, China
Mar. 2008
NIFS-PROC-71 NIFS-PROC-71 (pdf file) (39320KB)
(Eds.) K. Abe, A. Kohyama, S. Tanaka, T. Muroga, C. Namba, S.J. Zinkle and D.K. Sze
Summary Report of Japan-US Joint Project (JUPITER-II) (FuY 2001-2006)
Mar. 2008
NIFS-PROC-70 NIFS-PROC-70(pdf file) (42550KB)
(Eds.) Z.Z. Gu and T. Norimatsu
Proceedings of JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on Target Materials, July 28 - Aug. 1, 2007, Huangshan, Anhui
Feb. 2008
NIFS-PROC-69 NIFS-PROC-69 (pdf file) (165964KB) (This file size has been reduced.)
Joint Conference of 17th International Toki Conference on Physics of Flows and Turbulence in Plasmas and 16th International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop 2007 Proceedings, Ceratopia Toki, Gifu, Japan, October 15-19, 2007
Jan. 2008
NIFS-PROC-68 NIFS-PROC-68 (pdf file) (40037KB) (Ed.) K. Kawahata
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on LASER-AIDED PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS 18-21 September, 2007 Hida Hotel Plaza, Takayama, Japan
Sep. 2007
NIFS-PROC-67 NIFS-PROC-67 (pdf file) (17366 KB)
編集:市口勝治 (Ed.) K. Ichiguchi
平成18年度NIFS共同研究合同作業会 「MHD理論の進展とその周辺」 集録 Proceedings of Joint Workshop of NIFS
Cooperative Programs 2006 for MHD Theory and Related Topics
Aug. 2007
NIFS-PROC-66 NIFS-PROC-66 (pdf file) (12950 KB)
H. Sanuki
SOKENDAI Lecture Series "Mathematics for Physics" Selected Topics on Nonlocal Analysis of Plasma Waves and WKB Method (Lecture Series-II)
Apr. 2007
NIFS-PROC-63 NIFS-PROC-63 (pdf file) (23612 KB)
K. Toi (Ed.)
Proceedings of 9th IAEA Technical Meeting on
"Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems" 9 to 11 November 2005, Hida Earth Wisdom Center, Takayama, Japan
Apr. 2006
NIFS-PROC-60 NIFS-PROC-60 (pdf file) (11550 KB)
B. Wan and K. Toi (Eds.)
Proceedings of JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on Production and Steady State Confinement of High Performance Plasmas in Magnetic Confinement Systems, 27-29 July, 2005, Hefei, China
Sep. 2005
NIFS-PROC-59 NIFS-PROC-59 (pdf file) (4675 KB)
F. Koike and D. Chenzhong (Eds.)
JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar Proceedings of Japan-China Joint Seminar on
Atomic and Molecular Processes in Plasma, March 6-11, 2004, Lanzhou, China
Feb. 2005
NIFS-PROC-57 NIFS-PROC-57 (pdf file) (8657 KB)
(Eds.) T. Fujimoto, P. Beiersdorfer
Proceedings of The Japan-US Workshop on Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy and The Fourth International Symposium on Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy
July 2004
NIFS-PROC-56 NIFS-PROC-56 (pdf file) (4939 KB)
M. Okamoto
平成 15 年度核融合科学研究所共同研究 「大型シミュレーション研究」報告会集録
Proceedings of the Meeting on Large Scale Computer Simulation Research
Apr. 2004
NIFS-PROC-53 NIFS-PROC-53 (pdf file)(6639 KB)
研究代表者 核融合科学研究所 渡邉二太
Ed. by T. Watanabe
Theoretical Study for ICRF Sustained LHD Type p-^11B Reactor
Apr. 2003
NIFS-PROC-52 NIFS-PROC-52 (pdf file) (5391 KB)
T. Hayashi
第6回「シミュレーション・サイエンス・シンポジウム」及び 核融合科学研究所共同研究「大型シミュレーション研究」合同研究会 集録
Proceedings of Joing Meeting of the 6th Simulation Science Symposium and the NIFS Collaboration Research "Large Scale Computer Simulation"
Mar. 2003
NIFS-PROC-51 NIFS-PROC-51 (pdf file) (8663 KB)
Edited by K. Horioka
Physics and Applications of High Energy Density Plasmas -Extreme state driven by pulsed electromagnetic energy, Dec.20-21, 2001, National Institute for Fusion Science
June 2002<
NIFS-PROC-50 NIFS-PROC-50 (pdf file) (12016 KB)
Edited by S. Ishii
Workshop on Extremely High Energy Density Plasmas and Their Diagnostics, Mar. 8-9, 2001, National Institute for Fusion Science
Sep. 2001
NIFS-PROC-47 NIFS-PROC-47 (pdf file) (1105 KB)
M. Okamoto, S. Murakami, N. Nakajima and W.X. Wang
Monte Carlo Simulations for Plasma Physics
July 2000
NIFS-PROC-46 NIFS-PROC-46 (pdf file) (7743 KB)
研究代表者 加古 孝(電気通信大学)
所内世話人 渡辺 二太
Ed. by T. Kako and T. Watanabe
平成 11 年度核融合科学研究所共同研究 研究会
Proceeding of 1999-Workshop on MHD Computations
"Study on Numerical Methods Related to Plasma Confinement"
June 2000
NIFS-PROC-44 NIFS-PROC-44 (pdf file) (9109 KB)
(Eds.) T. Kato and I. Murakami
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Atomic Processes in Plasmas
July 29-30, 1999, Toki, Japan
Jan. 2000
NIFS-PROC-41 NIFS-PROC-41 (pdf file) (3604 KB)
(Ed.) S. Goto and S. Yoshimura
Proceedings of The US-Japan Workshop and The Satellite Meeting of ITC-9 on Physics of High Beta Plasma Confinement in Innovative Fusion System
Dec. 14-15, 1998, NIFS, Toki
Apr. 1999
NIFS-PROC-40 NIFS-PROC-40 (pdf file) (6795 KB)
研究代表者 加古 孝(電気通信大学)
所内世話人 渡辺 二太
Ed. by T. Kako and T. Watanabe
平成 10 年度核融合科学研究所共同研究 研究会
Proceeding of 1998-Workshop on MHD Computations
"Study on Numerical Methods Related to Plasma Confinement"
Apr. 1999
NIFS-PROC-37 NIFS-PROC-37 (pdf file) (7719 KB)
( Eds.) T. Fujimoto, P. Beiersdorfer
Proceedings of the Japan-US Workshop on Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy and The International Seminar on Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy, January 26-28, 1998, Kyoto
June 1998
NIFS-PROC-32 NIFS-PROC-32 (pdf file) (2642 KB)
代表者 河合 良信
Y. Kawai (Ed.)
平成8年度 核融合科学研究所共同研究
Report of the Meeting on Chaotic Phenomena in Plasmas and Beyond, 1996
Apr. 1997
NIFS-PROC-31 NIFS-PROC-31 (pdf file) (3428 KB)
岡本 正雄
Masao Okamoto
講義「 核融合プラズマ物理の基礎 - I I」
平成 8 年度総合研究大学院大学 数物科学研究科 核融合科学専攻
" Lecture Note on the Fundamentals of Fusion Plasma Physics - II"
Apr. 1997
NIFS-PROC-30 NIFS-PROC-30 (pdf file) (5083 KB)
研究代表者 栗下 裕明(東北大学金属材料研究所)
所内世話人 加藤 雄大
H. Kurishita and Y. Katoh (Eds.)
NIFS Workshop on Application of Micro-Indentation Technique to Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Fusion Materials
Nov. 1996
NIFS-PROC-29 NIFS-PROC-29 (pdf file) (2580 KB)
Masao Okamoto
講義「 核融合プラズマ物理の基礎 - I 」
平成 8 年度 総合研究大学院大学 数物科学研究科 核融合科学専攻
" Lecture Note on the Fundamentals of Fusion PLasma Physics - I "
Oct. 1996
NIFS-PROC-28 NIFS-PROC-28 (pdf file) (9433 KB)
T. Mito (Ed.)
Proceedings of the Symposium on Cryogenic Systems for Large Scale Superconducting Applications
May 27 - 29, 1996, Ceratopia - Toki and NIFS, Toki, Japan
Sep. 1996
NIFS-PROC-24 NIFS-PROC-24 (pdf file)(4304 KB)
T. Kuroda and M. Sasao (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Symposium on Negative Ion Sources and Their Applications, NIFS, Dec. 26-27, 1994
Aug. 1995
NIFS-PROC-21 NIFS-PROC-21 (pdf file) (3854 KB)
世話人:森田 健治(名大工学部)、金子 敏明(岡山理科大学理学部)
K. Morita (Nagoya Univ.), T. Kaneko (Okayama Univ. Science)
NIFS Joint Meeting "Plasma-Divertor Interactions" and "Fundamentals of Boundary Plasma-Wall Interactions"
January 6-7, 1995 National Institute for Fusion Science
Mar. 1995
NIFS-PROC-20 NIFS-PROC-20 (pdf file) (5275 KB)
研究会代表 阿部 勝憲 (東北大学・工学部)
所内世話人 野田信明
K. Abe and N. Noda (Eds.)
平成6年度 核融合科学研究所共同研究[研究会]
"Research and Development of Metallic Materials for Plasma Facing and High Heat Flux Components"
Nov. 1994
NIFS-PROC-19 NIFS-PROC-19 (pdf file) (4419 KB)
K. Morita, N. Noda (Ed.)
Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Tritium Effects in Plasma Facing Components at Nagoya University, Symposion Hall, May 19-20, 1994
Aug. 1994
NIFS-PROC-17 NIFS-PROC-17 (pdf file) (6022 KB)
代表 井上信幸(東京大学工学部)
所内世話人 田島輝彦 (核融合科学研究所)
Edited by N. Inoue and T. Tazima
「核融合炉開発研究のアセスメント」平成5年11月29日-30日 於 核融合科学研究所
"Assesment of Fusion Reactor Development" Proceedings of NIFS Symposium held on November 29-30, 1993 at National Institute for Fusion Science
Apr. 1994
NIFS-PROC-16 NIFS-PROC-16 (pdf file) (2814 KB)
代表者 河合良信
Y. Kawai
平成5年度 核融合科学研究所共同研究 研究会報告書
Report of the Meeting on Chaotic Phenomena in Plasma
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences
Apr. 1994
NIFS-PROC-15 NIFS-PROC-15 (pdf file) (4429 KB)
M. Okamoto
講義 「プラズマ物理の基礎」
平成5年度 総合大学院大学研究大学院大学 数物科学研究科 核融合科学専攻
Lecture Note on the Bases of Plasma Physics
Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Feb. 1994
NIFS-PROC-13 NIFS-PROC-13 (pdf file) (1245 KB)
伊藤 早苗
Sanae-I. Itoh
NIFS シンポジウム
「核燃焼プラズマの研究を考えるー現状と今後の取り組み方」1992年 7月 15日核融合科学研究所
NIFS Symposium "Toward the Research of Fusion Burning Plasmas -Present status and Future strategy-" 1992 July 15, National Institute for Fusion Science
July 1993
NIFS-PROC-12 NIFS-PROC-12 (pdf file) (8329 KB)
(Ed) K.N. Wilson, T. Yamashina
Proceedings of Japan-U.S. Workshop P-196 on High Heat Flux Components and Plasma Surface Interactions for Next Devices
Mar. 1993
NIFS-PROC-11 NIFS-PROC-11 (pdf file) (4040 KB)
(Ed) R. Sugihara , Y. Nishida
Plasma-Based and Novel Accelerators (Proceedings of Workshop on Plasma-Based and Novel Accelerators)Nagoya, Japan, Dec. 1991
May 1992
NIFS-PROC-06 NIFS-PROC-06 (pdf file) (7889 KB)
Proceedings of the Second International TOKI Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Nonlinear Phenomena in Fusion Plasmas -Theory and ComputerSimulation-
Apr. 1991
NIFS-PROC-03 NIFS-PROC-03 (pdf file) (10314 KB)
Proceedings of the First International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion -Next Generation Experiments in Helical Systems- Dec. 4-7, 1989
Mar. 1990